eBooks, Audiobooks, Movies & More
Ocean State Libraries eZone | Ocean State Libraries eZone Español
Download books to your Kindle, Kindle app, Nook, iPad & more! For the best experience download the free Libby app for your device.
There are over 160,000 titles in the eZone! Make sure you choose a CLPVD library and enter your library card number.
If you have a Community Libraries of Providence card, head over to https://clpvd.kanopy.com to sign up for a free account and gain access to the 30,000+ videos that the service offers. All Spanish items.
Kanopy Kids unlimited streaming. NO PLAY CREDIT REQUIRED!
If you have a Community Libraries of Providence card, head over to https://www.hoopladigital.com/ and wherever you are, home or afar, borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics and TV shows on your computer, tablet, phone or TV! All Spanish items.
Sign up for a free account and gain access to over 1.3 million titles!